What is the delivery time?

When you place an order on the ABAYLAND commercial center, the delivery time varies from 2 to 5 days maximum according to the ordered product. On average, each order is delivered in 2 to 3 days in France and in Europe and in less than 8 days for the rest of the world.

Do you ship all over the world?

Yes, absolutely. We ship worldwide.

Where do we ship your product from?

All products are shipped from our warehouses located in France or Europe.

Do you provide tracking information for the product?

Yes, please wait 48 hours after your order and if the tracking number is not available from our website, please contact us by email at support@abayland.com to get your tracking number.

Some items are missing from my order, what happens?

Our products are shipped separately according to your order. If your order contains items from two different warehouses, there will be two deliveries. The rest of the order will most likely arrive shortly.

I received a damaged item. What can I do about it?

We are sorry to hear that. Simply send us an image of the damaged item in question by email to support@abayland.com and we will promptly advise you of the appropriate action to take.

Where are you located?

The television channel ABAYLAND is edited by the company GROUPE ABAYLAND SHOPPING TELEVISION which is located in Créteil (94) in the Paris region.

The internet site https://abayland.com is the official site of on-line sale of the television channel ABAYLAND. This on-line store is exploited by the company GROUPE ABAYLAND SHOPPING TELEVISION.

The company GROUPE ABAYLAND SHOPPING TELEVISION is registered at the RCS of Créteil (94) under the number 901 475 046 and its head office is located, 70, avenue du Général de Gaulle - 94022 CRETEIL CEDEX - France.

Telephone from France: 0 897 690 250 (0,80cts/Min).

Telephone from abroad: +33 897 690 250.

The company GROUPE ABAYLAND SHOPPING TELEVISION is the unique interlocutor of all the customers who visit or who place order on the internet site https://abayland.com.

I still haven't received my order. What is taking so long?

We apologize for the delay. Sometimes, shipping can take longer than expected due to a delay in transportation. However, you can track your order and see where it is at any time. If you still feel that you need help tracking your coli or would like to inquire about it, please contact us by email at support@abayland.com and we will promptly get back to you with answers to your requests and questions.

Do you have a refund policy?

We do our best to resolve any issues our customers may have with their online order. If you would still like a refund, simply return your order within 14 days of the date you received your package. For more information, please see our return and refund policy by clicking on the terms and conditions link at the bottom of the page.

What are the shipping times for your products?

1-If the item is available in our warehouse in France, it is usually shipped within 24 hours. The delivery time is in this case 2 to 3 days.

2-If the item is available in European warehouses, it is usually shipped within 48 hours. The delivery time is in this case from 3 to 9 days depending on the country in which the warehouse is located.

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